Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Is this a bug with the QD?

Posted by Gilbert Wong on

Dan, thanks! That worked perfectly!

I have another problem. Here is the error message I got (in debug mode):

[14/Jul/2001:22:38:28][1262.4101][-conn0-] Debug: QD_LOGGER =
generated fullname of dbqd.ecommerce.tcl.ecommerce-procs.ec_package_url_lookup_mem.ec_mountpoint


[14/Jul/2001:22:38:28][1262.4101][-conn0-] Debug: QD_LOGGER = 
NO FULLQUERY FOR dbqd.ecommerce.tcl.ecommerce-procs.ec_package_url_lookup_mem.ec_mountpoint --> using default SQL

While trying to run packages/ecommerce/www/admin/customer-service/index.tcl

<FORM METHOD=get ACTION=[ec_acs_admin_url]users/search>

From the following code in packages/ecommerce/ecommerce-procs.tcl:

### the url to get to ec
ad_proc -public ec_package_url_lookup {package_key} {
    @return The url (without protocol or port) of a site mountpoint if it exists, 0 otherwise.
 } {
    return [util_memoize "ec_package_url_lookup_mem $package_key" [ec_cache_refresh]]

ad_proc -private ec_package_url_lookup_mem {package_key} {} {
    if {[db_table_exists apm_packages]} {
        return [db_string ec_mountpoint "
            select site_node.url(s.node_id)
              from site_nodes s, apm_packages a
             where s.object_id = a.package_id
               and a.package_key = '$package_key'
        " -default 0]
    } else {
        return 0

ad_proc ec_acs_admin_url {} {
    @return The url of the package with key acs-admin
} {
    return [ec_package_url_lookup acs-admin]

I do have the query in packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-postgresql.xql:

<fullquery name="ec_url_lookup_mem.ec_mountpoint">

            select site_node__url(s.node_id)
              from site_nodes s, apm_packages a
             where s.object_id = a.package_id
               and a.package_key = '$package_key'


Any ideas? Thanks.