Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS 4.x Porting Resources Document Now Available

After a call for such a document in the #openacs channel in (if you are working on OpenACS and have not stopped by there yet, you're missing out!), Vinod Kurup promptly got his hands to work and made this great document.

Vinod not only did what was asked for, but he also 'walked the extra mile' and included a FAQ and a section entitled 'A Day in the Life of a Porter' which outlines the things you should do to port OpenACS 4.x packages.

This document is now available here:

Kudos and thanks to Vinod for this excellent contribution.

Hopefully Musea will make it possible for forum admins to edit posts when they upgrade our site (we're so bad we haven't fixed the ancient bug that prevents it here at
Here's the right link:
<p>Also, Vinod welcomes comments and additions - Roberto, can we get the general comments "add a comment" link enabled for this page???
Oops! Sorry about the bad link. Will take care of the "add comments" right away.