Mat, you may be right, but I don't really see the sense in fighting them on this. If they try and undermine the OpenACS project (which there is more and more evidence of) or remove our rights, then that would really suck. But I would hope not.
Relations between the OpenACS and aD communities have not always been good, which is fine. We thought that they were ignoring an incredible resource of fans and they view us as ungrateful scabs. Oh well.
They are clearly not in favor of Free Software. That's too bad. My fear is that they are intentionally trying to screw OpenACS by intentionally limiting how much we can use their code. They could have at least pinged the gatekeepers to let them know what's going on.
aD has some really smart people over there who are committed to making good systems and are supportive of Free Software. It just seems that the management is screwy.
Bryan Quinn said: "I hope that you find the ACS useful in your development efforts."
So did we. And we hoped to have helped your development efforts. I hope things aren't as bad as they look.