I was going to have a lawyer take a look at the ADPL at some point,
but ArsDigita has cleared up the matter for us with the FAQ: if the
OpenACS project uses any part of ACS 4.6, ArsDigita will consider that
we are covered under the ADPL license, which puts into question our
name and our GPL'ed code.
The section on whether gleaming concepts from ACS 4.6 constitutes the
creation of a derivative work thus covered under the ADPL is murky at
best, and is not something on which I'm ready to take any risk.
Thus, I reiterate my strong request: if you are developing for
OpenACS, please do *not* take a look at ACS 4.6 source code. This is
no longer "pending further review": we cannot take the risk of
violating the ADPL.