Forum OpenACS Q&A: 2 IPs, Apache, OpenACS/AolServer, 1 machine...?


I have a machine with two IPs assigned to it.  Is it possible (and
how do I) assign the second, newer IP to openacs and aolserver?  Is
there some force host entry I make somewhere?


Posted by Bryan Che on
Yes, you can specify in your AOLserver ini file to what IP address and port the server responds. In the section,

Take a look at

and pay attention to the section that specifies:

# Socket driver module (HTTP)  -- nssock
ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/nssock"
ns_param   port            $httpport ;# Port for HTTP (typically 80)
ns_param   hostname        $host     ;# This is not the same as your hostname
ns_param   address         $address  ;# This is not the same as your host addr
ns_param   location        "url"     ;# URL for auto-redirects (trailing slash)

You also need to make sure that you have both IP addresses setup on the box. ifconfig -a should tell you if they are.

Posted by Mat Kovach on
You have to check the config for apache first, look for the line: Listen and put the ipaddr:port
[shagster@foobar mail]$ grep 'Listen [0-9].*:[0-9].*'
Note: You'll most likely use port 80. In your aolserver config, look for:
[shagster@foobar aolserver]# egrep '(http.*port|address)' 
# If httpport is set to 80, you'll have to start AOLserver as root and pass the user 
set httpport              8000
set httpsport             8443 
set address               ""
That is what I do, and it works for me.