Forum OpenACS Q&A: Pop-down manus in ACS won't work on Netscape 6.0 or 6.1

The configurable pop-down menus at the top of the ACS page (I think
they are javascript driven) won't work on the above mentioned
browsers.  They work fine on all versions of IE and Netscape 4.6.  Any
suggestions?  (I should add that I checked to make sure that java, and
javascript were enabled in the Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced submenu.)
For starters, try Mozilla, the "real" release.  Beyond that, enable any javascript error stuff you can to help us debug this.

Mozilla/Netscape 6.x has had javascript problems.  I'm using Mozilla 0.9.3 on Linux and to some degree on Windows and it is very good, but Netscape 6.1 is based on Mozilla 0.9.2 which had very bad problems.

They're getting there but aren't there yet ...

Thanks for the suggestion, Don.  Turning on javascript logging/error checking (which I have yet to figure out) might reveal the problem with interpreting the javascript commands coming from ACS. It's interesting to note that javascript does work well on, so at least I know it works in some instances and not others.

Regarding the Mozilla remark you made earlier, a click on 'help about' revealed this on both my windows 2000 and Linux 2.4.2-2:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010726 Netscape6/6.1

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.2) Gecko/20010726 Netscape6/6.1

So I guess I AM running on a Mozilla-derived version. I just installed this same version of Netscape on my Linux box.

Gustavo, all Netscape releases from 6.0 onward are "Mozilla-derived." However, you really want to run Mozilla itself. To begin with, as Don points out, Netscape 6.1 is based on an earlier and more troublesome version of Mozilla. (Unlike Netscape, Mozilla releases a new version every 6 weeks or so.) Also, Netscape adds a lot of cruft on top of Mozilla. Now, if you happen to like that particular cruft, it's fine in principle to use Netscape. But if you think about the fact that Netscape 6.1 is new cruft on top of a not-quite-1.0-release Mozilla, you have to start worrying about stability.
According to, the latest release of mozilla (0.9.3, build August 01, 2001) has less bugs then Netscape 4.78.  If been using mozilla for quite a while now and recently switched to 0.9.3.  If runs very well (on Linux and Windows).  If you have a problem with the javascript on mozilla then report it to
Netscape 6.1 is based on Mozilla 0.9.2.  On Linux, at least, 0.9.2 gave me more problems than 0.9.1 - among other things it couldn't display the ACES home page, rather annoying since my current client is
running ACES.

0.9.3 is much better than 0.9.2 or any other Mozilla release I've used.  *much* better.  I'm even using it on windows now.

Gustavo - you can pick this up for windows at  I highly recommend it.

I've been very pleased with 0.9.3 on the Mac. This is the first Mozilla release that I can seriously consider using as my main browser.
ehhh guys... My experience is that the pull-down menus do not work in both Netscape 6.1, Mozilla 0.9.2 and 0.9.3, but they do (as the topic starter stated) in IE and Netscape 4.7x. Is there a problem with Mozilla/Netscape or with the menus in OpenACS? The menu generator tries to identify the browser, and Mozilla 0.9.x and Netscape 6.1 were not around at the time the menus were made I guess. Could it be that a slight change in the menu JavaScript solves the problem?