Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to ACS 4.6 Release

Posted by S. Y. on
This is a really sad state of affairs. In the beginning, people were drawn to ArsDigita precisely because Philip gave so much away in terms of insights on how to write better code. Now, the very same community that was built from that generosity can't look at anything from ArsDigita for fear that doing so will jeopardize what has grown from it.

In essence, until and unless ArsDigita solves this licensing problem, they have completely cut themselves off from the community.

Let it go. It's time to move forward.

When visionaries leave companies, guess what they take with them? I worked for Jim Clark during his waning days at SGI. The company has never been the same since he left. They lost market share, got dropped from the S&P 500 for "lack of representation" and have recently traded as low as $0.50 per share. I had a great time working there, but I've moved along since then.

If you really want to rant about ArsDigita, I suggest you visit this site which specializes in that sort of stuff.