Further to my default question. Once you activate the WYSIWYG editor, the default OACS formatting functions are screwed up. Some how that set up doesn't make sense.
Question is why would anyone settle for less functionality than offered by the the WYSIWYG editor if it's allready in the toolkit? Why not disable the minimal default functions alltogether, and make the editor default. It looks like the dual option messes up the system. Afterall, the editor's functions are optional anyway.
It may be an effort to clean up the code, but it would eliminate a lot of discusion, especially since new users will be wondering why we havn't closed this issue.
1. I have a feeling end users will love to have the functionality.
2.It helps consultants to sell an oacs solution if they don't have to explain that WYSIWYG is an added bonus. That sort of speak doesn't make sense anymore in 2005.
If I am missing a point and/or oversimplify things, sorry for that. In that case maybe we could set it as a future milestone.