Forum OpenACS Development: fix for Ad Server package

Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on

could anyone with write access to cvs apply this patch to Ad Server package in oacs-5-1? This patch relates to bug #1916 and without it the Ad Server package really doesn't work well. As the patch envolves changing data model it is really bad using it after package installation.

Sorry posting this message in forums but there isn't option for comments in bug-tracker anymore, isn't it?


Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Sadly your patch cannot be applied (at least not the way I know it :)). Can someone tell me where the documentation on how to create a good bug and how to create a good patch can be found (is it within the old bug-tracker installation or is it somewhere else in ?
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Okay, I take it back, I got it to work, typo on my side, silly me.

The patch is applied, an upgrade script is written, version number is up, maturity level is reduced (due to changes only in postgresql and not in oracle) and I don't release it unless someone can check and verify it works on an upgrade.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
I can't resolve the bug #1916. Maybe someone else has a clue why.
Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on
Thank you Malte for the patch applied.

Upgrade script does not work for me. The error was:

psql:upgrade-4.2-4.3d1.sql:36: ERROR: ProcedureCreate: cannot change return type of existing function.

I used the following sript for postgresql update:

-- statement level trigger to perform the swaps.
drop function advs_count_afr_del_fun() CASCADE;

create function advs_count_afr_del_fun() returns opaque as '
nextval integer;
s record;
-- find the highest numbered ad
-- advs_properties is guaranteed to exist.
select adv_count
into nextval
from advs_properties;
-- for update; -- do I need the for update?

-- for each adnumber to be swapped do
for s in select swap from advs_swaps order by swap desc loop

-- find the ad that has that number and renumber it
update advs
set adv_number = s.swap
where adv_number = nextval - 1;

-- delete the row
from advs_swaps
where swap = s.swap;

nextval := nextval - 1;
end loop;

-- update the highest number
update advs_properties
set adv_count = nextval;

return new;
' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger advs_count_afr_del
after delete on advs for each row execute procedure advs_count_afr_del_fun();