Thank you Malte for the patch applied.
Upgrade script does not work for me. The error was:
psql:upgrade-4.2-4.3d1.sql:36: ERROR: ProcedureCreate: cannot change return type of existing function.
I used the following sript for postgresql update:
-- statement level trigger to perform the swaps.
drop function advs_count_afr_del_fun() CASCADE;
create function advs_count_afr_del_fun() returns opaque as '
nextval integer;
s record;
-- find the highest numbered ad
-- advs_properties is guaranteed to exist.
select adv_count
into nextval
from advs_properties;
-- for update; -- do I need the for update?
-- for each adnumber to be swapped do
for s in select swap from advs_swaps order by swap desc loop
-- find the ad that has that number and renumber it
update advs
set adv_number = s.swap
where adv_number = nextval - 1;
-- delete the row
from advs_swaps
where swap = s.swap;
nextval := nextval - 1;
end loop;
-- update the highest number
update advs_properties
set adv_count = nextval;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger advs_count_afr_del
after delete on advs for each row execute procedure advs_count_afr_del_fun();