Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Time to update the recommended OS version(s)?

Posted by Jun Yamog on
I have been running RH7.1 + XFS patch for my development servers.  As
far as I can see the only issue is Oracle 8i needs glibc 2.1.  So you
need to install the compatibility for glibc 2.1 and export some env vars.

But for our production and test servers it is still RH6.2 since they
not only run OpenACS but still good old software.

My real frustration with RH7.1 is that I could not test tclpro with
it.  I would like to try the tclpro debugger.  tclpro requires glibc
2.0, RH7.1 has only glibc 2.1 compat.  RH6.2 has glibc 2.0 compat.

Anybody here successful in having glibc 2.0 compat in RH7.1 or any
distrib that is glibc 2.2 based?
