As I already have postgres 8.3 installed and working I'd prefer to try to thrash this out if I possibly can. If necessary I can delete my db and install from a HEAD checkout. My site is at an early stage of development anyway so by the time it is ready the oacs code will probably be at a release state anyway.
I have installed the HEAD co versions of categories, acs-kernel, acs-service-contract, search and tsearch2-driver but I still get no indexed content and I cannot add a category because of the form vars error earlier posted which remains unchanged as follows:
When selecting
the response is:
can't read "form_vars": no such variable
while executing
"lang::util::localize ${form_vars}"
invoked from within
"if {[string equal "[ad_quotehtml [lang::util::localize ${change_locale}]]" "t"] && ! ([template::util::is_nil languages])} {
append __adp_output "
("uplevel" body line 10)
invoked from within
......with no preceeding error in the error log.
Here are the relevant installed service contracts:
FtsContentProvider Full Text Search Content Provider
FtsEngineDriver Full Text Search Engine Driver
Here are the relevant installed bindings:
FtsContentProvider ::xowiki::File ::xowiki::File xowiki Uninstall
FtsContentProvider ::xowiki::FormPage ::xowiki::FormPage xowiki Uninstall
FtsContentProvider ::xowiki::Page ::xowiki::Page xowiki Uninstall
FtsContentProvider ::xowiki::PageInstance ::xowiki::PageInstance xowiki Uninstall
FtsContentProvider ::xowiki::PlainPage ::xowiki::PlainPage xowiki Uninstall
FtsEngineDriver tsearch2-driver tsearch2-driver tsearch2-driver Uninstall
Do I need an acs category defined before xowiki will index content?