Thanks Sean,
You've been very helpful, I purchased Phil's 1st book in 1998 and then the improved/expanded reprint when it came out. I originally wanted to do the ACS thing, but Oracle is just so expensive and I really can't afford it for my own personal site, hence the past 2 years learning Apache/php/MySQL (LAMPS).
When I found OpenACS, I leaped and recently set up the server and OpenACS. Your right about the steep learning curve, I'll print out everything and then read it in a non-linear fashion. I've already got all the SQL printed.
Welch's book is in my library, I'll dust it off in the morning and give it a go again.
I'd love to do a Boot Camp, but with 2 small kids, I can't travel right now. I'll try the home study course if aD still does that...
Your advice about the index.tcl in the Intranet module is right on, I hadn't thought of doing that, I was trying to cut a piece of it for inclusion into my current index page.
I've got alot to learn, maybe with help from you and others I'll actually have a presentable web service someday...