Forum OpenACS Q&A: Upgrate an autogenerated proc's parameters

I need to add an additional parameter to an autogenerated proc:

I have added the parameter to the related proc:

The only way I have found to add the parameter is by using the proc: acs_sc::msg_type::element::new

But this doesnt provide a good way to have this in my cvs (so that other developers of my project can apply the change).

Is there a good way to "refresh" the parameters of that proc, or to add this parameter?

the best way is to write an upgrade script (using the APM upgrade logic), look at here:

this is a similar case:

 5.1.1 5.1.2d1 {
                db_transaction {

		    set sc_change [list {auth_authentication.Authenticate.InputType} {auth_password.ChangePassword.InputType} {auth_password.ResetPassword.InputType}]
		    set element_msg_type_name integer

		    foreach msg_type_name $sc_change {
			set msg_type_id [db_string get_msg_type_id { select msg_type_id from acs_sc_msg_types where msg_type_name = :msg_type_name }]
			set element_pos [db_string get_pos { select max(element_pos) from acs_sc_msg_type_elements where msg_type_id = :msg_type_id }]
			incr element_pos

			acs_sc::msg_type::element::new \
			    -msg_type_name $msg_type_name \
			    -element_name authority_id \
			    -element_msg_type_name $element_msg_type_name \
			    -element_msg_type_isset_p f \
			    -element_pos $element_pos



and of course, commit your work and then the others update and upgrade.