Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Problem: SilentPost back from Ewebcart

Posted by Jerry Asher on
I'm away from the code at the moment, so I can't tell you if the bug I fixed a day or so ago existed prior to the latest set of nsvhr/nsunix for aolserver 3.3.

I'm a little confused (early morning, bad memory, two kids needing breakfast).  I should think that the 302 has nothing to do with your nsvhr setup.  Also, if you're giving it the port directly, that again suggests it's not nsvhr.

Regardless, I would recommend upgrading to 3.3 and the new nsvhr for a variety of reasons.

I'll be out until about noon pacific time, but you might try using util_httppost or something to post some binary to  Name the variable test and it should spit the results back to you.  It may or may not work with binary, so if it doesn't work, the results are just inconclusive.