Ok, maybe this is somewhat off-topic. But I seem to recall Don saying a while back that Oracle questions are now welcome here, and the web/db readership seems to have mostly moved over here anyway. So here goes, a crosspost from web/db:
Does anyone remember back to ACS 3.2? I obviously didn't remember it clearly enough when I told our client it would be easy to implement the INSO filters for binary file searching! :)
sws_user_datastore_proc is easy enough to add to. The problem is that it only handles CLOB data, and of course the file contents are in BLOB format. Although I could convert from BLOB to CLOB (by using a temporary table and a RAW column) I doubt the data would survive the conversion. So I can't see any way to pass the version_content to interMedia to be indexed.
So, has anyone done this? I hope I am overlooking something obvious here!