Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Moodle lessons: User Syndication

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
On your personal page (of .LRN) have the possibility to syndicate all of your content created on that site into an RSS feed.

This is very useful for syndicating all the things you have done on multiple websites on your personal site (so people can more easily see what you are up to).

Additionally this goes beyond the simple weblogs, as it allows you to make content accessible in a non journal like fashion.

Should not be too hard to implement once we have RSS feed for Forums.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Additionally it would allow you to get a feed of "look at what people in my community posted in general". And don't be surprised why I start recommending features by moodle, but once you go out into the EU world you will be confronted with Moodle in nearly every project dealing with E-Learning, so I have to use (and like) it :).