Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Proper config.tcl for mixed-DB server?

Posted by Tom Jackson on

I just found this in the same file: 10-database-procs.tcl

# Initialize the list of available pools

global apm_first_time_loading_p
if { [info exist apm_first_time_loading_p] && $apm_first_time_loading_p } {
    set server_name [ns_info server]
    append config_path "ns/server/$server_name/acs/database"
    set the_set [ns_configsection $config_path]
    set pools [list]
    if {![empty_string_p $the_set]} {
	for {set i 0} {$i < [ns_set size $the_set]} {incr i} {
	    if { [ns_set key $the_set $i] ==  "AvailablePool" } {
		lappend pools [ns_set value $the_set $i]
    if { [llength $pools] == 0 } {
	set pools [ns_db pools]
    ns_log Notice "Database API: The following pools are available: $pools"
    nsv_set db_available_pools . $pools

It looks like you could dynamically set the available pools. To add a new pool to the list, to the end:

nsv_lappend db_available_pools . $pool