Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: error installing Search-OpenFTS following doc - PLS HLP

I had a similar problem as described above using Debian linux. I tried a ton of hacks but here's how I ultimately fixed the error:

  1. Upgraded flex to version 2.5.4 (using apt-get)
  2. ln -s /usr/include/tcl8.4/*.h /usr/local/include/
  3. cd /usr/local/src/Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.3.2
  4. ./configure --with-aolserver-src=/usr/local/src/aolserver40r8/aolserver --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.4
  5. cd aolserver/
  6. make
  7. Hope that's helpful for someone.