Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Error when registering new user

Posted by Luis Garcia on

This is what I found right before the error message posted above. I took the precaution of checking the last entry in serverlog before requesting the login page where the "Register" new user link is. This is the result of the request for the login page. It seems it is looking for sedmail which is not in my system since I'm using Windows 2003 and I did not install that. The prior error posted was the result of clicking on the "Register" link:

[29/Jan/2005:11:57:01][5428.5852][-sched:13-] Notice: acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue

[29/Jan/2005:11:57:01][5428.5852][-sched:13-] Notice: queue dir = /new/*, no messages

[29/Jan/2005:11:57:15][5428.5672][-sched:12-] Error: couldn't execute "\usr\sbin\sendmail": no such file or directory couldn't execute "\usr\sbin\sendmail": no such file or directory while executing "open "|$sendmail" "w"" invoked from within "set f [open "|$sendmail" "w"]" ("uplevel" body line 14) invoked from within "uplevel $code" invoked from within "with_finally -code { set sendmail [list [bounce_sendmail] "-f[bounce_address -user_id $rcpt_id -package_id $package_id -message_id $message_id]"..." (procedure "sendmail" line 6) invoked from within "sendmail -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $to_addr -msg $msg -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id" (procedure "deliver_mail" line 55) invoked from within "deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extra_headers -bcc $bcc -valid_email_p $valid_emai..." ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel $code" invoked from within "with_finally -code { deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extra_headers -bcc $bcc..." ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $code_block " ("1" arm line 1) invoked from within "switch $errno { 0 { # TCL_OK } 1 { # TCL_ERROR ..." ("while" body line 20) invoked from within "while { [db_getrow $db $selection] } { incr counter if { [info exists array_val] } { unset array_val ..." ("uplevel" body line 5) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $code_block " invoked from within "db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db { set selection [db_exec select $db $full_statement_name $sql] set counter 0 while { [db_getrow $..." (procedure "db_foreach" line 36) invoked from within "db_foreach get_queued_messages {} { with_finally -code { deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -..." ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel $code" invoked from within "with_finally -code { db_foreach get_queued_messages {} { with_finally -code { deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subj..." (procedure "acs_mail_lite::sweeper" line 8) invoked from within "acs_mail_lite::sweeper" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval [concat [list $proc] $args]" (procedure "ad_run_scheduled_proc" line 42) invoked from within "ad_run_scheduled_proc {t f 60 acs_mail_lite::sweeper {} 1107020941 0 f}"