This is what I've found frustrating about not having a common code-base the last year. We could have been collaborating on this and benefited both of our companies (and made ourselves look better as employees as well).
Here are some of the changes I made to the Intranet:
- A lot of interface fixes and improvements (this is mostly what the improvements are). I had to make it usable for a company of very computer illiterate folks, so I cleaned it up quite a bit.
- Some bug fixes of course, and a few performance tweaks.
- We wanted a way of keeping track of to-do items, so I adapted to ticket system to do this. Its interface is a little better, although one of the best changes is a hack that I know won't be portable. (it was early on when I was still learning the ropes)
- We made projects so they can be hierarchical. I also added a lot of hour reports, so you can break down hours in all sorts of ways.
- I added "ticket templates", so if you typically do something and need three other people to do something related to it, you can do it all at once, and then you have a master ticket which shows you the status for all the subtickets (the subtickets are what you assigned to everyone).
- I added in the conference room package (that was developed at aD) and cleaned it up a little more.
- The rest of the changes are separate packages that are proprietary for the company I work at.
I don't know anything about ACES, so I don't really know how hard it would be to set up.
I haven't used SourceForge much, so I don't know whether to throw stones or not. Is it that bad? I would prefer the SDM and so on, but I'm openminded.