I'm willing to invest time and I'm sure others are willing too. Many already have, so I think that is not the problem.
The real problem I'm focussing on is the anarchie in the community that will result in nice packages/suggestions (xcms, projectmanager, ams, xotcl-rm/core, installers, knoppix, new portal, documentation, templates, UAB, patches, chat, mail, etcetera) but the lack of central guidance. We never know what the status of packages/bugs/patches/suggestions/release-plans are or will be, or even who to talk to.
I am asking OCT to set direction concerning installers. Where should the community focus on and how. I or somebody may invest time on darwinports for the community, but this is useless once the community decides to go for rpm's, GUI or something else. Similar, I know we have "workerbee" bugs but patches often don't get applied? Maybe because best practices are unclear.
I don't pretend to have a solution, nor do I say that someone needs to do a better job. I'm just stating that the current process inhibits consistent progress. Anarchie is fine but we need that "roadmap", certainly a "best practice example package" and a maybe a discussion whether the dotWRK approach of spreading efforts is worth following.
Concerning Bison:
Probably move Ch 3.3 to Addendum B if Bison isn't required for postgreSQL tarballs.