Hello Everyone,
I hope someone can help me with this. I seem to be stuck. I have an
openACS site (running 3.2.5 - the site name is www.labarchive.net) and
would like to run a closely related site at wccta.labarchive.net. I
thought that running one instance of Aolserver would be preferable.
These sites can share a DB.
I downloaded vhost.so. The log shows it being read when I restart
Aolserver. I set up the first site using the realhosts parameter.
I've got DNS from www.dyndns.org, and I did an entry for the second
The first site (www) works fine, presumably because the realhosts
parameter tells vhost to leave it alone. However, the second site
(wccta) does not. Although the docs say that vhost should be
directing wccta.labarchive.net to the directory
www/wccta.labarchive.net, instead index.html is being served from
www/. A cookie is also being served. HTML files are apparently being
read from the www/ directory. TCL files are not read, and generate
404's when I point a web browser at them specifically.
Any ideas? I could do something more complicated like vat or nsvhr,
but I'd like to avoid it if possible.
p.s. the AOLserver listserv won't let me read or post messages.
Apologies for asking here instead.
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/modules"
ns_param nssock ${bindir}/nssock.so
ns_param nslog ${bindir}/nslog.so
ns_param vhost ${bindir}/vhost.so
--snip --
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/vhost"
ns_param realhosts