Forum OpenACS Development: apm_packages

Posted by Jon Griffin on
It appears that the apm_packages table doesn't use enabled_p.

If you do:

select * from apm_packages;
 package_id |       package_key       |        instance_name        | enabled_p ------
------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------        386 
| acs-bootstrap-installer | OpenACS Bootstrap Installer | f
        398 | acs-content             | ACS Content                 | f
        730 | acs-templating          | ACS Templating              | f
        746 | acs-util                | ACS Utilities               | f
        843 | acs-tcl                 | ACS Tcl                     | f
        933 | acs-core-docs           | ACS Core Documents          | f
       1099 | acs-mail                | ACS Mail                    | f
       1132 | acs-messaging           | ACS Messaging               | f
        145 | acs-kernel              | ACS Kernel                  | t
       2121 | acs-subsite             | Main Site                   | t
        327 | acs-admin               | OpenACS Administration      | t
        429 | acs-service-contract    | ACS Service Contract        | t
       1074 | acs-content-repository  | ACS Content Repository      | t
       2112 | acs-workflow            | ACS Workflow                | t
        359 | acs-api-browser         | ACS API Browser             | t
       2998 | schema-browser          | Schema Browser              | f
(16 rows)
You will see that the default of 'f' is meaningless. Schema Browser is mounted along with all the other 'f's.
2: Response to apm_packages (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
"Mounted" or "Installed"?  I would assume the latter.  The APM has a lot of problems (as we all know, sigh).  If someone wants to take on the task of making it a work of art, I'm open.  I'm maintaining it in the breach, so to speak - when something horribly and show-stoppingly ugly happens I fix it.

Otherwise, I'm spending my time on other (more valuable, IMO) things.

But this doesn't mean I belittle the problems with the APM.  It really needs a week or two of solid effort by one of our more experienced crewfolk.