Forum OpenACS Development: can't read parameters

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
hi there,

i am testing some tcl scripts and i realized the environment doesn;t recognize package parameter when i try to call them in the script

set queue_dir [parameter::get_from_package_key -parameter "BounceMailDir" -package_key "acs-mail-lite"]

$queue_dir doesn;t get any value because it can read what is in the parameter BounceMailDir

there's only that line and nothing else to block its execution


The query:

select v.package_id from apm_parameters p, apm_parameter_values v where p.package_key = :package_key and p.parameter_name = 'EmailPostID' and p.parameter_id = v.parameter_id and v.attr_value = :email_post_id

:email_post_id is not recognizable as well as a parameter.
It is is a param from bug-tracker.
Furthermore, if i force it and manually replace the var with the string 'tt-bugtracker' it returns the results as expected.

So it is clear to me the problem is in the param var or it is the environment that is not able to read it.

any ideas?

2: Re: can't read parameters (response to 1)
Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
It looks to me, as if you have the parameter no set. Check out the value from /admin/site-map/ and "Mail Services Lite"