good! i was paying atention to ad_form -name
I fixed and now i get the refreshing behavior working well. Although the values is still not properly set.
It gets stuck on the last values of the list of ids and no matter we change the parent field the id never changes
yes, i did put $cal_id in ad_page_contract parameters.
I put $cal_id also as label of the field just to see what was into the var $cal_id,
{label "[_ calendar.Sharing]"}
{options { {"Select" ""} $calendar_options} }
{html {onChange "document.cal_item.__refreshing_p.value='1';document.cal_item.submit()"}}
#set cal_item_types [calendar::get_item_types -calendar_id $calendar_id]
#if {[llength $cal_item_types] > 1} { }
{label "$cal_id [_ calendar.Type_1]"}
{options { {"Choose" ""} [calendar::get_item_types -calendar_id $cal_id] } }
{help_text "[_ calendar.Type_Help]"}