OK, this is what I am starting the server with as root:
/usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd-postgres -t /var/lib/aolserver/luisegarcia/etc/config.tcl -u my_user
I changed the config file to port 80.
The server seems to start, but it does not accept connections. This is what I get in the error log:
[17/Feb/2005:23:47:52][8347.32771][-sched-] Notice: sched: starting
[17/Feb/2005:23:47:52][8347.131081][-sched:idle0-] Notice: starting
[17/Feb/2005:23:47:52][8347.16384][-main-] Error: nssock: failed to listen on Permission denied
[17/Feb/2005:23:47:52][8347.147466][-driver-] Notice: starting
[17/Feb/2005:23:47:52][8347.147466][-driver-] Notice: driver: accepting connections
It says "driver accepting connections". But when I do or I get the same error:
"The connection was refused"
Any ideas???