I'll have to agree with Yon in that the document in question is not
very well written, even as a propaganda piece. He's pointed out
a number of problem areas that I agree with.
Instead of arguing whether or not Open Source is "better" than
proprietary (which always seems to mean "microsoft products")
it might be more useful to use this thread to open a discussion
about how a company that focuses upon providing "solutions"
based on open source software can thrive. Thinking about this is
especially important now that the economy has taken a dump
and most existing businesses do not want to spend money on
closed source OR open source IT projects.
I think the best approach to take is to be SPECIFIC rather than
general. Use actual examples where open source has saved
money (and time). Use actual dollar amounts. Use quotes from
impressed clients.
The Vorteon website actually seems to be pretty good in terms of
explaining what Vorteon can do. I think the editorial piece
detracts from the rest of the site. You are probably better off
writing stuff like "Vorteon did X for client Y, they loved it...so if you
need to do something similar to X, let us know."
And, not to be a total dink, but... this is the OPENACS forum, and
its a GOOD THING that most of the time the discussion is
focused on OpenACS. I would hate to see it devolve into yet
another general bboard about us vs. microsoft or whatever.