It sounds like mod_proxy might work as a first line of defense in the Apache integration battle; if so, it has the added virtue of already existing. Again, I suggest setting up an Apache interoperability project area, add a HOWTO for mod_proxy and some info about the current state of FastCGI and portable.nsd and then issue a press release. If FastCGI is moderately doable with current resources, by all means finish it and throw it in. John's advice about waiting on Portable.nsd sounds sensible; put some info about the current state into the project area and let people pick up the charge if mod_proxy and FastCGI are inadequate for them.
But from a marketing perspective, the most important thing is to declare victory. Think of it as the marketing parallel to agile development. You have a solution. It may not be the fanciest solution in the world, but it's still a solution. Call it that. Add elements to that solution iteratively as needed. Each addition generates a press release, showing movement on the project.
And actually, the same thing could be done with Sakai. Providing uPortal integration does, in fact, provide a level of integration with Sakai in and of itself. It sounds as if, in principle at least, most folks think uPortal support is a good idea but opinion is more mixed around Sakai-specific support. If you finish the uPortal support, you can say that the .LRN community "provides Sakai integration through uPortal and is studying the value and feasibility of providing further support through OKI and and Sakai-specific APIs." If, on top of the uPortal work, you gather the bits of information that Andrew and others have gleaned in terms of looking at OKI integration into a white paper, you will have what looks like (and actually is) substantial work toward serious Sakai integration, even though you haven't written a single line of Sakai-specific code.
At that point, no more work need be done. Serious potential customers should see enough to demonstrate feasibility. You add support as market demands, developer resources, and sales opportunities dictate.