Well, the OCT already talks about the stuff you mention, all the time, so I don't think you have to worry about that.
And the OCT indirectly recognizes the importance of marketing by continuing to support efforts to build auto-installers, etc, to make the "first look" install painless. Knoppix demos, windows graphical installer, etc.
I just say this to make the point that the OCT is with you in spirit, at least.
The main problem we face when moving from talk to walk is resources. It is far easier to identify things that need working on than it is to identify people with the time - or clients with the funds - to get those things done.
If a marketing group does form, it will have the same problem :)
Despite our limited resources, though, we do continue to make progress. Yes, our documentation has limitations, yet, as you point out, it's vastly improved. We make progress, but we have far more progress to make ...