Forum OpenACS Development: Re: resize image in Xowiki form

Posted by Alessandro Landim on

Change cat to can.

It works well, but i have doubts about the implemetation and I don't know where I can implement this.


Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Why do you want to resize form fields of type "file" and not form fields of type "image"? Is it really useful to resize every image to the same size (if you upload e.g. an icon). Are you aware of the fact, that you are only resizing when an initial file is uploaded, but not when a new revision of the file is added?

You can e.g. define a subclass of file/image and define the option there. Just make sure that your file is loaded after form-field-procs by choosing e.g. an appropriate name.

Posted by Alessandro Landim on
Hi Gustaf,

Thank you for reply.

I know that the implementation is completely wrong, but I didn't know where I would implement this.

Now, I will return the form-field-procs to original and define other file to implement this option.