Forum OpenACS Q&A: Setting up OpenACS

Posted by Miguel Gonzalez on
Dear all,

I have installed in my Red Hat 7.2 linux box PostgreSQL 7.1.3,
AolServer 3.4.2 from source binaries. I have set up the data model of
OpenACS. Everything seems to work fine.

Now I am trying to set OpenACS 3.2.5 also from source binaries. I
would like to have any guidance or reference or how my system should
look like. Now I have the following settings:

postgres: /usr/local/pgsql
aolserver /usr/local/aolserver
pageroot  /usr/local/aolserver/servers/cazurra/pages

I have created an acs user for linux and postgres and nsadmin user
for the aolserver.

I have untarred the OpenACS tarball file in my pageroot directory but
apart that I can access to the /doc directory and the index.html file,
the rest (admin, register) directories doesnt work. I suppose that I
am closed to finish the installation but how can I know that I have
openACS completely set up?

Many thanks and sorry for my ignorance, but I have checked some web
sites and i cant figure out how to do it.
Posted by John Lowry on
Your web servier is running, right? In which case, the aolserver error log is your friend. I suspect you'll find the error log in /usr/local/aolserver/logs/. If it's not there, you'll find its location specified in the config file passed to the nsd daemon at startup.

Folks sometimes post snippets from their error logs on this bboard, but its good practice to keep the snippets short and do whatever HTML tricks are needed to ensure they're formatted nicely.

Posted by John Lowry on
Also, have you read the OpenACS installation guide by Robert Mello and others?