Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Nice SSH SCP for Mac?

Posted by Joel Natividad on
Expanding on Rich's suggestion on scripting on OS X, rsynching is a great idea! Imagine, the user just drags files to the folder using the Finder.

Can't get any easier than that and it seamlessly dovetails into the Aqua GUI.

Don't forget, TCL/TK is available for OS X as well (Fink is an easy way to download it too), so you can build some prompting scripts too.

Alternatively, OS X 10.1 now has AppleScript support, so if you want to do "lickable" Aqua dialog box thingys and stuff, you can go this route as well.

Of course, you can always do shell scripts.

BTW, I hate to go off on a tangent her, but is it just me, or has anyone also noticed a lot of *Nix folks walking around with *iBooks with OS X? I have two Macs at home and working with OS X is just a dream!

And with Office V.X, the free Developer Tools, GNU-Darwin and the Aqua interface - it seems to be the "perfect" developer platform.