Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Will Dr. OpenACS survive? Or why I stopped worrying and learned to love the .LRN consortium?

Hi Guys,

I'll be keeping everyone posted about the portfolio package that I will be developing. I will start a new thread when I get things rolling. I have some tight deadlines, so hopefully I'll have a prototype up and running by April. I need a production ready application done by June. As we'll be getting students to use it in the second semester that starts in July.

I hope I can get the support of the community behind this project, as I know eportfolios are the latest must-haves in education and in HR. So there will be a need for this type of application.


PS. I agree with the others in that OpenACS needs sex appeal. For starters, someone with expertise in designing icons should turn "Alex" into one of those MacOS X candy style icons.