Nick, thanks for the detailed post on the Sakai initiative, it confirms many of my suspicions. I would be very surprised to see them adopt a true open source model of development (regardless of license specifics) because it seems clear to me that quite a few people are staking at least parts of their careers on the success of this project ... and they're going to want CONTROL.
I wonder what would happen if we post a link to a summary of your comments to Slashdot? We had tons of fun when we publicized Ben Adida's "Why Not MySQL?" article on Slashdot a few years ago.
Richard ... our community is well aware of the fact that we're are own worst enemy, because we don't effectively promote our software or ourselves. That's not the only reason few folks know of us, there are people out there who turn their noses up at any non-Java solution, or any non-LAMP solution, etc. But we're so tiny that even if you subtract zealots from our population of potential users and customers, we only have to be successful in attracting new hackers to double or triple the size of the active development community ...
Now there have been some promotional activities, such as Reuben Lerner's articles in The Linux Journal. But not enough, not nearly enough ...