Hi all,
not sure wether others use the available member state like banned, deleted, rejected. Below what you might be able to do in case you only use use dotlrn_member_rel and dotlrn_admin_rel.
set rel_type "dotlrn_member_rel"
if {[::xo::db::sql::dotlrn_community admin_p -community_id $community_id -party_id $member_id] eq "t"} {
set rel_tyle "dotlrn_admin_rel"
set rel_id [relation::get_id -object_id_one $community_id -object_id_two $member_id -rel_type $rel_type]
if {$rel_id ne ""} {
#set user to deleted state
membership_rel::change_state -state "deleted" -rel_id $rel_id
dotlrn_community::applets_dispatch -community_id $community_id -op RemoveUserFromCommunity -list_args [list $community_id $uid]
#revert to approved
membership_rel::change_state -state "approved" -rel_id $rel_id
dotlrn_community::applets_dispatch -community_id $community_id -op AddUserToCommunity -list_args [list $community_id $uid]
Not sure if this has side-effects. Again, we don't use that in production.