Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Ajax Drop Down Menues for XoWIKI

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Hi Malte,

the old interface was just for activating tree style (actually an mktree-based tree-style) and the "sections" style. The classical approach in such situation is to define a subclass, which has a more flexible interface but inherits the rest of the code.

Since there is not much code involved, i have updated the interface in cvs HEAD such one can use arbitrary category renderers. One can now define an arbitrary renderer (named ::xowiki::CategoryRenderer=$style) and pass the -style to the includelet. You can define the renderer in an arbitrary -procs file. Let me know, when you need more....

-gustaf neumann

PS: glad to see you back, i thought, we lost you to SAP.

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
A small followup: in order to develop a new viewer for e.g. categories, i would recommend to disable for the development the includelet caching (set parameter "cacheable" of the includelet "categories" to false). Otherwise you have to flush the page fragment cache entries frequently to check the results of your changes.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Thanks a lot for the help, I will dig my heels into this today. And good point with the caching, I would certainly have had trouble with that.

As for the loosing part, my website still runs ]project-open[ and some other sites run .LRN, so I'm not gone, just a more passive follower with the occasional odd need. Though I have to admit, the SAP world is more profitable and the Drupal world provides much easier access to developers.