Forum OpenACS Development: Cant Delete a package in openacs5.1

Posted by Sridhar V on
I am using OpenAcs 5.1
I installed a package and tried to uninstall it


I am getiing the following error


Deleting package instance 885
The database returned the following error message

Database operation "0or1row" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.") ERROR: acs_objects_context_id_fk referential integrity violation - key in acs_objects still referenced from acs_objects SQL: select apm_package__delete('885');


I tried the Forums application and page application
and my own application and other

all are getting the same errour

I went through the pgsql function

--- select apm_package__delete(int4)

in the script the code written for

1)deleteing the row from apm_packages where ppackage_id=XXX


2)deleting the row from apm_applications where application_id=XXX


it has other stuff also
I deleted the above two rows manually


I could uninstall


I could not find the problem --- why it is getting problem while running -----select apm_package__delete(int4)


Posted by Ben Koot on
Hi Sridar,

Removing packages using the package manager usualy results to this behavior.

Did you to try to uninstall form the sitemap?

1. Click Admin.
2. Go to sitewide admin
3. Select Sitemap (half way the page)
3. Unmount the package
4. Delete the package

That should do the trick

Good luck


Posted by Jade Rubick on
And if that doesn't work, please file is as a bug in bug-tracker.