Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to XML support for OpenNSD is problematic

Posted by Lorna Sanchez M. on
Thanks for the help!
Answering Don's first message, I waited for 15 minutes (really), and nothing happened! And it is not that the installation "hangs", it stops. The "next" button that should appear never appears! And you may be right, maybe the XML module isn't the problem; in the log file, I tracked the problem down to /web/openacs4/packages/acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/acs-install.sql,that have trouble with a function, named acs__magic_object_id. The error in the log file is this:
[30/Dec/2001:17:18:58][27407.14341][-conn10-] Error: Error sourcing /web/openacs4/packages/acs-bootstrap-
psql:acs-install.sql:247: ERROR:  Function 'acs__magic_object_id(unknown)' does
not exist
        Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
        You may need to add explicit typecasts
psql:acs-install.sql:254: ERROR:  Function 'acs__magic_object_id(unknown)' does not exist
        Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
        You may need to add explicit typecasts

    invoked from within
"db_source_sql_file -callback apm_ns_write_callback acs-install.sql"
    invoked from within
"if { ![ad_acs_admin_node] } {
    ns_write "  Completing Install sequence.

    cd [file join [acs_root_dir] packages..."
    (file "/web/openacs4/packages/acs-bootstrap-
tall.tcl" line 34)
    invoked from within
"source $__file "

acs-install.sql is invoked from whithin /web/openacs4/packages/acs-bootstrap/installer/packeges-install.tcl.
Is this getting ugly or what?
Thanks for your help! (I think I really need it now!)