Forum OpenACS Q&A: Backup and Restore of Postgresql

Posted by Steve Manning on

After a bit of trial and error, I now have a pretty solid method for backing-up and restoring/replicating Postgres OpenACS databases.It avoids the problems of restoring functions and pgplsql and I've been using on several live sites for the last 6 months or more including automatically replicating the database to a developement site.

So I thought I'd share it in case its of use to anyone else.


Split the backup into two distinct files - one for the schema and one for the data. The following little script assumes an installation called service1 with a database called service1;

# Dump the data
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -U nsadmin --no-owner --disable-triggers --data-only \
-f /var/lib/aolserver/service1/database-backup/service1_data.dmp service1

# Dump the schema
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -U nsadmin --schema-only \
-f /var/lib/aolserver/service1/database-backup/service1_schema.dmp service1


Restoring with this method is now straightforward as the schema is applied before the data. So to replicate or restore the database saved above;

# Drop the existing DB
/usr/bin/dropdb service1

# Create a new one from template0 (avoids the pgpsql problems)
/usr/bin/createdb --template=template0 --encoding=UNICODE service1

# Restore the schema
/usr/bin/psql service1 < /var/lib/aolserver/service1/database-backup/service1_schema.dmp

# Restore the data
/usr/bin/psql service1 < /var/lib/aolserver/service1/database-backup/service1_data.dmp



Posted by Dave Bauer on

I haven't had to do anything other than pg_dump the entire database since postgresql 7.3.

I am curious where you are running into problems that makes you use this procedure.

Posted by Steve Manning on

Its been a while but IIRC there where two problems the first is that creating a default db gave errors with restoring pgplsql as it alreay exists in template1 and the other more fundamental problem is that a plain dump of schema and data together didn't restore in the correct sequence which gave errors if functions weren't present for triggers et al. This is referenced in the docs where it suggests runnning the object init script first:

Because of a bug in Postgres backup-recovery, database objects are not guaranteed to be created in the right order. In practice, running the OpenACS initialization script is always sufficient to create any out-of-order database objects.

Are you saying that you can use pg_dump and then suck the file back into a newly created db without error?

- Steve

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Correct, since PostgreSQL 7.4, you do not need to load acs-kernel/sql/postgresql/postgresql.sql before restoring your database. Since OpenACS still support PostgreSQL 7.3, that information is still in the documentation.
Posted by russ m on
It's probably also worth pointing out that plpgsql doesn't exist in template1 unless you (or whoever is the DB admin) has put it there - doing that is a convenience so you don't have to do it whenever you create a new DB that will use plpgsql, but isn't part of the default PG configuration...
Posted by Steve Manning on

That would explain it then because 2 of our installations are still 7.3. Perhaps the restore instructions could say that the problem only applies to <=7.3.

I wish I hadn't bothered mentioning it now 🤔


Thats true - by default we add it to template1 during the installation process. That makes sense because any new DB's we create are by default off template1 so they include plpgsql which is what we want.

However, when importing a dump which includes the plpgsql_call_handler function we don't want the lang in the new db so we use template0.

- Steve