Maybe I need to rephrase my problem. I use ACS to generate a web diary, and my readers appreciate both my writings, and a fresh picture everyday. Untill now I have been using stock photo's, wich provide me with a a simple canned html code to be inserted in the ACS bboard module. However I need to have the same canned html format for my own immages. Philip somehow managed to build that feature into the module.
Effectively this is the biggest added value of the whole photodb system, and it is NOT avialable default which surprises me. From all the guestions our helpdesk has recived untill today, the most frequent one is how to achieve this simple action. I can not immagine this to be rocket sience, but to have this simple feature would mean a lot to me , and my clients. Folks, I am trying to create a marketable ACS based Media service, and realy hope one of you can tell me how to get this working. I tried a number of links on Phill's page on how to get pictures on a webpage but the most promessing ones are no longer active.
Thanks in advance.