I've just downloaded LORS (lorsm, lors-portlet, etc, oacs-5-1, postgresql-7.4 and aolserver4 in debian) and it didn't work, I get a "file not found" error after creating a course and try to accessing it (the "menu frame" is shown, but the other one with the content doesn't). Anyway, I downloaded the e-lane version and it worked fine. If I find the error I will commit it, but I'm working on something else right now and that's the reason of this post.
We are hanving problems with LORS because it doesn't work with frames. If the page (resource) contains frames, then it is not displayed because of the headers that are set by LORS. I don't know if the headers are set during the display proccess or during the creation one. If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful. I will post on this thread when I fix the problem.