Forum OpenACS Q&A: tSOAP arrays

Posted by brian hennessey on
When I use the tSOAP package to create a client side
message, each array element in a complex type is 
designated with an "item" element.
(this seems to be standard)

For Example:

It appears the .Net server is expecting each element to be
named instead of the element "item". Such as:

Is this correct, or am I missreading the sample request. 
Is there a way to use the element names instead of "item"?

Thanks for any help.

2: Re: tSOAP arrays (response to 1)
Posted by brian hennessey on
More information...

tSOAP is using SOAP encoding 1.1 whereas the .Net server is using "no encoding". There appears to be no option to turn encoding off/set to none. 


360     # Default SOAP encoding is SOAP 1.1
361     if { $procvar(encoding) == {} } {
362         set procvar(encoding) SOAP1.1
363     }
364     switch -glob -- $procvar(encoding) {
365         SOAP1.1 - 1.1 {
366             set procvar(encoding) ""
367         }
368         SOAP1.2 - 1.2 {
369             set procvar(encoding) ""+
370         }
371     }

Has anyone gotten around this?

Thanks for any help.
3: Re: tSOAP arrays (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Did you have any luck with this, Brian?