Forum OpenACS Q&A: Searching for ACS talent

Posted by Thomas Drake on

The Hotchkiss School, a boarding school in Northwest Connecticut with 560 boys and girls and with a faculty and staff of over 250 adults has been planning the upgrade of its administrative systems. We have decided to build most of the modules (Business Office functions aside) and we recently decided to build using OpenACS 4, starting with the authentication module and long-term implementation plan, and then moving to scheduling, grades and comments (registrar functions). Thereafter, in no particular order we’ll build for admissions, college counseling, extracurricular activities, etc. Our long-term plan includes an academic portal, where we will have a solution to the elusive backend integration. The building of these systems is being managed by Bruner Consulting, which has contracted with Musea.

At the same time as this project is underway, we are looking for a web master, and we want to make sure that our candidates can work effectively with ACS. I would appreciate any thoughts about things to look for in a web master working with ACS, any suggestions about where else I might post notification of this job, and any word on likely candidates from the Open ACS Community.