Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to LDAP authentication

Posted by Oscar Bonilla on
This is (more or less) how I do it (note the ob_md5 proc which I wrote to be able to check FreeBSD's MD5 passwords from LDAP). I guess if you don't use encryption you can just stuff whatever the LDAP server gives you for userPassword into the db.
proc_doc -public ldap_auth_user { email password } {
    Returns 1 if the password field matches the password stored
    in the ldap directory and 0 otherwise.

    @param email is the users email address
    @param password is the users password
} {
    set lh [ns_ldap gethandle ldap]
    set result [ns_ldap search $lh -scope subtree "o=Universidad Galileo" "(mail=$email)" userpassword]

    # we don't need an ldap handle anymore
    ns_ldap releasehandle $lh

    set n [llength $result]

    if {$n != 1} {
        # multiple matches so can't authenticate
        return 0

    set r [lindex $result 0]

    array set ra $r
    if [empty_string_p [array names ra "userpassword"]] {
        # no userpassword attribute so return false
        return 0
    # now it's safe to do this
    set crypt_password [lindex $ra(userpassword) 0]

    regexp "{(.*)}(.*)" $crypt_password foo cypher ldap_password
    if ![string compare $cypher "crypt"] {
        if [regexp "$1$(.*)$(.*)" $ldap_password foo salt hash] {
            if ![string compare $ldap_password [ob_md5 $password $salt]] {
                return 1
            } else {
                # the passwords don't match
                return 0
        } else {
            # if it doesn't look like FreeBSD's MD5 stuff it should
            # be standard crypt
            # the salt is in the first two letters
            if ![string compare $ldap_password [ns_crypt $password [string range $ldap_password 0 1]]] {
                # we have a winner
                return 1
            return 0
    } else {
        # unknown cypher (I only support crypt) so log it
        ns_log Notice "ldap-api: unknown cypher $cypher"
        return 0
    # this should not be reached
    ns_log "ldap-api: end of function reached something funny going on"
    return 0
Posted by Georg Lehner on
Hello Oscar

Is the source of the ob_md5 proc available to the public?