Hi Alvaro,
I'm still testing the .LRN Planner, and i have more questions XD:
Problem 1: In planner/www/index.tcl the "content_package_url" variable it's declared with "site_node::get_children -package_key "xowiki" -filters {name "content"}" but if we are working with learning content, it has to be "site_node::get_children -package_key "learning-content" -filters {name "learning-content"}" y think.
Problem 2: In planner/planner-patch/evaluation-diff.patch, in evaluation/www/task-view.adp we have "property name="planner_object_id">@task_item_id;noquote@" but "task_item_id" doesn't exist in task-view.tcl, i think it has to be task_id
Problem 3: When i create an HTML page or text with the xowiki 0.118 i receive an error:
can't read "context_package_id": no such variable
while executing
"subst $context_package_id"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel subst [lindex $_var 1]"
(procedure "next" line 8)
Problem 4: if i have 5 blocks, and i move the 4th block to the 3rd block with the javascript function(drag and drop) the up arrow appear in the 4th block, or sometimes appear in 5th an 4th block
Problem 5: When i access FileStorage from the Planner View, only in the first page i have access to add files to the Planner View, if i go to a folder, i lost the links to add to the planner