Hi Cristina,
I've been browising the conference website. I've found some inconsistences in the content of the 'Submission of the Papers' section which I think should be updated to avoid confusion among potential participants, such as:
-"selection of works will be performed by the members of the Scientific Committee for the 2009 Edutec"
-Are we doing an anoynimous reviewing process? I'm ok with it, but we should make it clear in the CFP
-Work will be accepted in Spanish?
-Guidelines. In the CFP it is stated to follow Springer guidelines (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0). Here, it specifies a different format:
Papers should be set to A4 size, single column, with 3.5 cm top margin, bottom margin of 2.5 cm, 3.0 cm lateral margin, with the head and skirtings. The source must be Garamond, size 12, single space, with areas of 6 points between paragraphs, not pages should be numbered, the title of the work must also be in the same source, but in size 16, bold.
-Summary - approximately 200 words, while in the CFP it says 150
Moreover, I also suggest to prepare a textual description of the conference (in plain text).
Hope you find these comments useful.