Frank, the only "suspicion" I have of you, me, or anbody else in this
thread is of possible confusion or error - not of malice or duplicity!
(I agree with Napolean you know, "Never ascribe to malice...")
No, I haven't tried your Windows installer; I don't have to use it to
know that good automated pre-loaded database content should be really
useful for demos and testing. I have heard from some people who have
used your Windows installer though, and they were very positive.
Btw, I'm not sure why you seem to be worrying so much about GPL
issues. AFAICT your company's Project Open work is well within the
bounds of the GPL, and the OpenACS project has a long (informal, but
long) history of saying that proprietary applications built on top of
OpenACS are perfectly fine.
Really, the only question is how well or poorly your work will
integrate with and be leveraged by other users of OpenACS and vice
versa; nothing much to do with license issues, GPL or otherwise.