Hi Stephen,
Yes, LAMS and .LRN have something in common: the LAMS Community (www.lamscommunity.org).
The LAMS Community has several educational and technical communities where LAMS users, using all the .LRN interactive tools, are able to share their views on latest's developments of LAMS and learning design as well as sharing their sequences with others at a global scale. So teachers from many disciplines would collaborate on-line to further improve of learning design and the features of LAMS.
A very simple integration between LAMS and .LRN has been done so LAMS' teachers and administrators can seamlessly login into the LAMS Community, which runs .LRN. Each teacher when they login into LAMS for the first time are presented with a registration form to register into the LAMS Community. They can opt for login in (if they have already logged in before) or register. Once they have logged in or registered, next time they login into LAMS they would be automatically logged in in the the LAMS Community.
Note that LAMS is *not* an LMS and does not pretend to be one. LAMS works well authoring, monitoring and running sequences of learning sequences (units of learnings). That's its forte. In addition, .LRN is a full-on LMS and a proper module for integrating the two will be for sure very much welcome (and beneficial) in both communities.