Forum OpenACS Q&A: PHP configuration

Posted by Luis Garcia on

I installed PHP in my AOLserver(4.X) just like it is suggested in the docs. I configure it and wrote in my configuration file the following:


ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/module/php"
ns_param map *.php

ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/modules"
ns_param php ${bindir}/

I then rebooted and created a test "hello world" page and it came back blank... which means that the server is not processing the php requests. Any ideas?


2: Re: PHP configuration (response to 1)
Posted by Luis Garcia on
OK, any suggestions? I REALLY need this to work
3: Re: PHP configuration (response to 1)
Posted by Jeff Davis on
I think Malte and others have set up squirellmail
Here is one thread to look at:

where its mentioned.