Maybe OpenACS is more MVC that most people think.
M - packages/modules, V - adp, C - RP
Well the real idea with MVC or Model 2 if I am correct is to
seperate code from layout. I think OpenACS can do this, granted
that I have a correct understanding of MVC and OpenACS.
You can actually look at tcl/*.tcl as business logic. www/*.adp
and www/*.tcl as views. I dont really know where the Controller is
on OpenACS. But it can and does achieve the goal of separating
layout from code. The only problem with OpenACS is that its so
flexible that you can use Model 1 and Model 2 interchangably or at
the same time.
On Model 1 terms Java has JSP... Aolserver has ADP. Aolserver will
win hands down. I think if we can find to use servlets + tcl that
should rock good. Strong type OO lang (Java) + lose and easy lang
Has anybody read about Daniel Rubio's experience of Servlets and ACS?
This is I think also the guy that made an Aolserver jdbc driver.
I am thinking of going this road. Tomcat + Aolserver that connects
to a common database. Probably Apache or Squid proxy in front.
OpenACS for modules that it has, servlets for existing servlets.
Does this make sense?